Transportation and hauling means much more than picking up cargo and delivering shipments. Every project has different requirements, which means you need the right equipment for your particular job. You can view more images of the Heavy Specialized Transportation Fleet in our photo gallery or our trailer sketches . Request additional information on the proper equipment that will fit your needs by contacting us today.
A few of the specialized pieces of equipment that is available includes:
150 Ton capacity nineteen axle trailers
- 80 Ton capacity thirteen axle trailers
- 10 and 8 axle combinations with 50–60 Ton capacity
In order to comply with Local and State permit regulations and axle weights, as well as government regulations – KMX offers multiple specialized pieces of equipment, such as:
- Two, Three, Four & Six axle trailers
- Tri-axle steerable to comply with all the regulations to move oversize/overweight cargo
- Along with two and three axle jeep dollies to meet your special needs